CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Holiday Bonus: A Christmas Carol

It’s Christmas and we’re celebrating the things we love, and that includes classic holiday episodes from great radio series such as CBS Radio Mystery Theater! In honor of the day, we’re presenting CBSRMT’s adaptation of a Christmas Carol without any...

A Holiday Visit

It’s almost Christmas and we’re celebrating the season with CBS Radio Mystery Theater! In this episode, entitled “A Holiday Visit,” a couple on their way to visit family find themselves stranded in a strange, nearly-abandoned town called Taylortown...

The Thing in the Cave

It’s another week of catching up on our Listener Library! This time, thanks to a recommendation from Holly, we are listening to “The Thing in the Cave,” from CBS Radio Mystery Theater. A group of speleologists find themselves trapped in a...

The Great Brain

CBS Mystery Theater adapted Jacques Futrelle’s short story, “The Problem of Cell 13,” for this week’s episode entitled “The Great Brain”! A brilliant mind hopes to prove the limitless potential of human intellect by allowing himself to be...

Hickory Dickory Doom

According to the Society’s clock, it’s time for CBS Radio Mystery Theater! Host E. G. Marshall presents “Hickory Dickory Doom,” the disturbing tale of an antique timepiece that holds a monstrous secret! Why is the air inside the clock always...