This week, we’re down at the Hermit’s Cave listening to the story of The Nameless! An anonymous corpse appears to have been the victim of a perfect murder, but the dead man will have his vengeance! Would you be willing to kill for a Wilgen Unit? Can you listen to this weeeeeird story and not think of the Beatles? What can Eric do with slippery, slimy gopher guts? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think:

Does “The Nameless” stand the test of time?
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Byte me

You guys really should not have voted against this one, it was fun to listen to the unsettling nature does stand the test of time you’re nitpicking, and you never read these comments anyway


I agree with Byte me’s comment that you were nitpicky about the story at times and I wouldn’t have voted it down. I also found the mockery of it excessive. Maybe consider just discussing the shows without the judgement. Still, there were positive remarks made and program history which I always like and I usually learn from your discussions. This time I found out about Paris Green rodent poison which I sometimes see contaminating archival collections that have been improperly stored. Thank you for all the shows.

David Thiel

As you note, the poisoning scene was great, and the bit in which the revenant walks through the door was unexpected. But yeah, the two(!) closing expository scenes were two too many.


I like those old-school back-from-the-dead revenge stories, which is the only reason I listened to this, and because I also love the opening intro of the Hermit’s Cave—it has the best one out of all the old-time horror radio programs, with the hermit’s cool as hell creepy laugh, and those dogs or wolves howling along with the wind in the background. A good episode of the Hermit’s Tale to listen to would be The House Of Purple Shadows, which is a unique take on the haunted house story, and kind of creepy, too.

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