We’ve got time for one more visit to our Listener Library before our 100th episode! After our first foray into Murder at Midnight, Bob suggested another installment from the same series, “The Ape Song!” In this tale, a big game hunter returns home from safari to his estranged wife, vowing to never hunt again. Nonetheless, this man has brought home a caged ape with whom he has struck a peculiar bond. Can you imagine Raymond from Inner Sanctum as a big game hunter?  Would Alfred Hitchcock films be improved with the addition of gorillas?  Are there any YouTube clips of singing gorillas? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “The Ape Song” stand the test of time?
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David Feldmann

I have fond memories of listening to many episodes of The Sealed Book and Murder At Midnight on tape when I was a kid. To borrow your wording, they’re fun but they don’t stand the test of time.

I still enjoy listening to them though!


This episode kept making me think of this:

Joshua English Scrimshaw

Okay, that’s my new favorite song. I like how mild-mannered the singer is in contrast to the ape call. Doodley-abba!

Doug Shaw

The tale of the day my big brother convinced me I was turning into an ape is really a good one, but it hurts too much to type out.

Patrick Monaghan

OMG, I finally agree with Eric on an episode, and he totally caves! I don’t remember ever rolling my eyes so many times in one episode. There were moments, but they were few and far between. The organ is weak, and this is not scary or suspenseful in the least. There might be a fun story here, but this isn’t it. Your talk was way better than the previous 30 minutes. Yikes.


Totes agree. Not usually on Eric’s side (sorry Eric), but I was bummed he caved.


Bones of a good story here, but this isn’t suspenseful or scary.

If I was the ape, I would have beaten that guy with his own arm, as soon as the cage was open.

Also, he is clearly guilty of manslaughter at a minimum, pre-meditated would be fairly easy to prove in this case, particularly since there are witnesses to a bunch of stuff.

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