We recently polled our mysterious listeners to recommend a show that we have not listened to yet. The winner was Broadway is My Beat! Detective Danny Clover is called down to the morgue to examine a body that has evidently been killed twice. The ensuing investigation presents Danny with a wide array of eccentric suspects. Will he be able to discern the truth amid all these peculiar conversations? Is this story a classic hard-boiled mystery or an over-the-top oddity? WHY WON’T THAT GUY SPEAK UP? Listen for yourself and find out! Then vote and let us know what you think!

Does “The Tom Keeler Murder Case” stand the test of time?

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David Feldmann

It’s not Johnny Dollar but it’s damn good.

Dave Potts

I voted “There may be some antiquated moments, but overall it’s great” for this, but only because you don’t have a right-in-the-middle “overall it’s OK” option. The dialogue and performances were entertaining, but the plot was nothing exceptional — neither bad nor great, just OK. Maybe this was just an atypically unexciting episode, but I didn’t discern any reason for the Facebook group to choose this as the series they most wanted to hear. It was a perfectly OK way to spend a half-hour, but it doesn’t inspire me to hunt down other episodes of the series. As cop shows… Read more »

Bill Teeple

I wonder if listeners hearing this originally were as amused by the “characters” in this story as I was? The Runyonesque cop was my clear favorite. Alexander Courage was a surprise, although I knew that he worked some radio programs before moving to TV. Fun fact: he did not “sing” the Star Trek theme, but he did perform the whooshing sounds you hear during the opening credits. He left the series after scoring the pilots and two episodes because he was perturbed by Roddenberry’s poorly written lyrics to the Star Trek Theme. He spent a couple of season working on… Read more »


This was like listening to an improv comedy set with the theme of ‘Dragnet’.

Everybody’s got business!

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